Racial Justice
Mission and Vision
God's charge to us is clear, "Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another" (Zech. 7:9). People of color, especially our Black and Indigenous brothers and sisters, have experienced and continue to face injustices. We believe the church is called to dismantle racism by following the example of Jesus who embodied a life of equity and true healing. At Encounter Church our mission is to help reconcile people to God and one another.
We seek justice and equity for people of all races by standing with the BIPOC community to end systemic and individualized racism as a tangible expression of God's love. Our vision is to see justice and equity for people of all races to live abundantly as God intended.
Racial Reconciliation Learning Collaborative
A number of churches on the Eastside gather bi-monthly for prayer, mutual learning, and support as we strive to collectively address racism within the biblical context. ​